RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

Congratulations to Christian to the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore. He now is the Chief Instructor of the fairwinds – RYA Training Centre.

13 hours hard but fair examination by RYA-Examiner Tim. Christian is now the head trainer in our team.

The advantage of a RYA Yachtmaster training is the clear structure of the training, which focuses on theory and practice. Therefore, it is not just about obtaining the Yachtmaster certificate, but also about developing and acquiring practical sailing skills.

This is also shown in the examination. Christian’s exam took over 13 hours with him alone as the test subject and gave the examiner enough time to assess whether he could command and control a sailing yacht with a length of up to 24m. Or as the instructor put it: „The examiner looks to see whether he would entrust his family with an Atlantic passage


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